Let's Do A Show

Festivals, black box theatres, traditional comedy venues, and more.

Current Shows

Matt Davis is currently touring three different shows of very different types:

  1. a comedy hour, "Colorful"
  2. a storytelling hour, "MORE FUN"
  3. an improv-based format show called "With Your Guest"

More on each below:

Comedy Hour

A traditional comedy hour / fringe hour suited best for festival and black box theatre plays.

*‘Matt is a pro. ...perfect timing... has the comic vision of a Zen Buddhist’*

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - Gonzo Magazine (Edinburgh, Scotland, 2024)

*‘Matt Davis is an intellectually-driven stand up comedy king.’*

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - Fringe Review (Perth, Australia, 2020)


A storytelling hour developed during the Edinburgh Fringe and performed in the round with a choose-your-own-adventure style interaction throughout.

Improv-Format Show

A production-heavy improv format show best suited for festival plays or limited runs in large-scene markets.

Comedy Hour


In a world hellbent on seeing things in black and white, the Alabama-born comedian draws from his childhood and contrasts it against the more than 300 cities across 65+ countries in which he has performed. A kids-eyed view of being dragged to friends' churches opens into a larger breakdown of world religions, community, and the "vibes grift" of evangelical Mega Churches; all after the veteran comedian tackles guns, politics as a soap opera, and a slew of "made up issues" that occupy our conversations.

Matt's joke-heavy autobiographical style, with his affable and internationally-minded approach, cast the bearded funny-man, coffee-cup in-hand, as the professor we all wish we had.

*‘Matt is a pro. ...perfect timing... has the comic vision of a Zen Buddhist’*

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - Gonzo Magazine (Edinburgh, Scotland, 2024)

*‘Matt Davis is an intellectually-driven stand up comedy king.’*

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - Fringe Review (Perth, Australia, 2020)


More Fun, (I Used To Be)

A storytelling hour developed during the Edinburgh Fringe and performed in the round with a choose-your-own-adventure style interaction throughout.

In this storytelling hour, the veteran comedian addresses his pre- and post- sobriety through a set of wild and engaging stories that range from hilarious, to WTF, to hilarious again.

The show opens with an explanation:

“What I learned from getting sober is that the problem… was me. Drugs and alcohol were fine with hanging at the party, I was the one who dragged them along to try and steal a police car.”

The comedian goes on to prove this point as he offers the audience a choice between two stories (one from his sober years, and one from his very-much-not sober years) to begin the show. 

Matt continues this pattern for the hour, letting the audience dictate the shape of their show, as he weaves in and out of stories about excess youth and foolishness, travel, arrests, fights, and drunken idiocy; all touching different cities from the more than 70 countries in which he has performed. Being smuggled, getting into a fight while pretending to be blind, stealing from a casino in las vegas, death threats from human traffickers, having the communist party shut down his shows, getting tear gassed, arrested, are all topics that may make an appearance, if the audience decides.

It's a unique format and fun night of stories from a masterful performer at the top of his game.

Improv-Format Show

With Your Guest

A production-heavy improv format show best suited for festival plays or limited runs in large-scene markets.

In this heavily interactive show, the audience plays the role of the studio audience for three succesive and simultaneous TV interviews.

The guest?

A character the audience and the narrator (Matt Davis) decide, whose full story will be written through the improvised interviews. 

The TV shows?

All designed, in turn, by the narrator and the audience.

The interviewers?

Comedians who are being forced to assume the role of host of the show the audience has decided.

It's raucus and fun and silly as the audience puts the comedians to the test with their suggestions, and the comedians in turn put Matt to the test as he plays both Guest and Narrator! 

For More Info

Reachout via bookings@mattdaviscomedy.com with as much detail regarding your event, festival, or venue as you have. We will forward your request to the appropriate regional contact.

For more about Matt Davis, see the About page. :)